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Artists statement 


I wanted my work to tell a story, whether it be an extended narrative or a short story attached to an individual piece of work. The visual  intention behind it was simply to create interesting and unique  illustration. Escapism was the main theme to each piece, with ideas around dreams and nightmares also being incorporated.One outside influence relevant to my work is the issue of mental health, and the coping mechanisms that are available to deal with that- art as a form of therapy and art as an escape of the real world.I have moved to working digitally this year on Procreate, which is a skill that I have developed over the past 9 months. It has allowed me to progress in my art by giving me the option to manipulate and edit traditional style work. I have used this to create gifs and animations as well as incorporating prints into procreate.

Welcome to my final major project, which is the last stage of this course.This project has allowed me to explore and express my artistic thoughts to a new level of self-directed work, and i have thoroughly enjoyed the process. Click on the buttons to take a look through the journey of this project 

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